Plastic Surgery Boutique

Breast Lift Galleries

Breast Reduction and Lift

Breast reduction and lift 👉🏽Everyone is made different and that makes the beauty of the world! This patient had a significant breast asymmetry that was successfully corrected with a right breast lift and a left breast reduction ☺️

Breast Lift

Hi guys! Today I want to show the results of this beautiful breast lift 2 weeks post-op‼️

The Patient is happy and so is the surgeon‼️The breasts are perky, the nipple-areolar complexes are in good position and the scars are healing beautifully. The blue color on the incisions are the surgical glue that we applied on the scar at the end of the case to reinforce the closure ☺️

Breast Lift and Tummy Tuck

Life transformation for one of my very satisfied patients 😊

  •  Breast Lift
  • Tummy Tuck

Breast Explant and Lift

1 week post implant explant and anchor shaped breast lift for severe breast capsular contracture for a patient that had had a cosmetic breast augmentation 15 years ago.

after explantation and removal of the a capsule, a drain is often necessary to avoid any seroma or hematoma in the cavity.

Patient will feel less tightness in her breast and it will also be easier for clothes fitting‼️

Breast Augmentation and Lift

50 year-old female who was not satisfied with the appearance of her breasts. She came to me looking for more lifted and perky breasts.

  • Bilateral breast implants exchange to smooth silicone implant 400cc High Profile
  • Bilateral internal bra
  • Bilateral anchor shape breast lifts

Breast Explant, Lift and Areola Reduction

Happy Saturday, today I want to show this patient that came to me because she was unhappy with the oversized breast implants that were chosen by her previous surgeon just before her surgery that ended up stretching her areolas over time.

We performed:

  • Breast explant
  • Breast lift
  • Areola reduction

Please appreciate her beautiful natural result without any breast implants postop.

Implant removal, Breast lift and Abdominal liposuction

Patient underwent Implant removal, Breast lift and Abdominal lipo 7 months ago! For her abdomen, we discussed a 2 steps approach: 1- abdominal liposuction followed by 2- tummy tuck. However her skin retracted so well that she doesn’t even want the tummy tuck anymore.

Looking gorgeous!

Breast Lift with a Small Reduction

Breast Lift and Areola Reduction

Breast Lift

Breast Lift

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