Plastic Surgery Boutique

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De Quervain’s disease in Miami is a relatively common problem in men and women of all ages. Suffering from it is very annoying and also seriously harms the person’s health and quality of life. At Plastic Surgery Boutique we are committed to ending this type of tenosynovitis as soon as possible. For this reason, we encourage you to call us as soon as possible so that we can inform you properly if you have any type of ailment related to De Quervain’s disease.

What is surgery for De Quervain’s disease in Miami?

The surgery consists of releasing or reducing the tension that occurs in the tendon called De Quervain. Once the tension is relieved, the problem should be solved, although sometimes surrounding tissue is also removed. This tendon is located on one side of the wrist and very close to the thumb.

Reasons to Do Surgery for De Quervain’s Disease in Miami

The reason to do surgery for De Quervain’s disease and restore your tendon to naturalness is pain. People with this type of condition suffer more or less severe pain in the wrist and thumb. Very often this prevents them from carrying out their daily tasks and makes their routines difficult, which is why it is considered a more or less urgent intervention.

Preparing for Surgery for De Quervain’s Disease Miami

You do not need any preparation for surgery for de Quervain’s disease, as it is very simple. Only local or regional anesthesia will be applied, so you should not take anything before the appointment.

What is De Quervain’s disease surgery like?

It is very simple and similar to other operations related to the tendons of the hand. Firstly, an incision is made in the palm of the hand, secondly, the tendon is released through some readjustments or cuts so that it no longer exerts pressure. Finally, the area near the thumb is checked in case the same has to be done and the wound is closed with stitches.

What to Expect During Recovery from De Quervain’s Disease

The postoperative period does not last long. For 48 or 72 hours you will feel discomfort, but painkillers will be enough to relieve you. Then for two or three weeks you will notice discomfort, but before a month, your wrist and fingers will be in perfect condition.

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Am I a good candidate for Miami De Quervain disease?

Of course, if you have any of the symptoms of De Quervain’s disease in Miami, you should see a specialist as soon as possible, regardless of your age, gender, or other variables.

Who should avoid surgery for De Quervain’s disease?

In principle, no person, regardless of their circumstances, should avoid this surgery because it is simple and safe for everyone. However, the specialist may recommend avoiding it in exceptional cases.

What is the price of surgery for De Quervain’s disease in Miami?

There is no exact price for De Quervain’s disease in Miami, as it depends on many variables of the patient. Also, between beauty centers and surgery clinics you can find price differences. We recommend that you consult all our rates in one call so that you can make the best decision.

How long is surgery for De Quervain’s disease?

This surgery may last less than expected, for example, sometimes it does not last more than half an hour. Sometimes it can take up to an hour, but it rarely goes beyond that. Therefore, it is considered a brief surgery.

De Quervain’s disease: risks and precautions

De Quervain tendon surgery is risk-free, so you have nothing to worry about. You should also not take any precautions beyond the recommendations about anesthesia.

De Quervain’s disease: techniques

There are not several techniques to treat De Quervain’s disease, there is only one that is always applied with good results, regardless of the singularities of each patient and tendon.

Frequently Asked Questions About Surgery for De Quervain’s Disease in Miami

Some frequently asked questions that interest our patients:

It mainly affects the palm of the hand, in the center area and also in the thumb and wrist.

Yes, you almost always need rehabilitation that can last around 3 or 4 weeks, in extreme cases it can take up to a month and a half.

The cause of this condition is an irritation of the tendons in the wrist near the thumb. This irritation causes inflammation that alters the movement of the tendon and prevents its normal function. It is more common in women, especially pregnant women, and in patients suffering from arthritis or tendonitis.

There is a very simple diagnostic technique, called Finkelstein. It consists of forming a fist with the hand, holding the thumb inside the other fingers, and then twisting the wrist in the direction of the small finger. If pain occurs, the patient is likely suffering from this condition.

When the syndrome is not in a severe state, some treatments can improve the condition without surgery. These include the use of splints to immobilize the area, anti-inflammatories and cortisone injections. The doctors will make the evaluation to determine if the case applies for an operation.

De Quervain’s disease surgery in Miami is very safe and has no major risks. There is also no special preparation needed before undergoing surgery.

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