Plastic Surgery Boutique

Gynecomastia Surgery in Miami

Gynecomastia Surgery in Miami Gynecomastia is a medical condition that causes the breast tissue in males to become enlarged, which can lead to the appearance of “man boobs.” While the condition itself does not directly help someone with man boobs, proper treatment can help reduce the size of the enlarged breast tissue and improve the […]

Internal Bra Surgery in Miami

Internal Bra Surgery in Miami What is the internal bra or permanent bra surgery? The internal bra procedure is a surgical procedure that involves placing sutures or special types of permanent stitches inside the breast tissue to provide additional support and lift to the breasts. It is often performed in conjunction with a breast lift […]

Cómo suavizar el tejido cicatricial después de la labioplastia

La cirugía de la labioplastia en Miami es cada vez más popular y los resultados ofrecen muchos beneficios. Sin embargo, muchas pacientes siguen teniendo preguntas sobre la cicatrización y la recuperación tras la intervención. ¿Será doloroso? ¿Cuánto tiempo necesitaré para curarme completamente de la cirugía de labios vaginales? ¿Cuándo podré hacer ejercicio? Sin dudas, la […]

How to Smooth Scar Tissue After Labiaplasty

Labiaplasty in Miami is becoming increasingly popular, and the results offer many benefits. However, many patients continue to have questions about healing and recovery after surgery. Will it be painful? How long will it take me to fully heal from labiapia surgery? When can I exercise? Undoubtedly, most of these questions can be easily answered. […]

Cuál es la diferencia entre una abdominoplastia y una liposucción

Dentro del mundo de las cirugías estéticas, existen muchas posibilidades y técnicas diferentes. En algunos casos, para tratar una misma parte del cuerpo se pueden contemplar varias opciones. La abdominoplastia, también conocida como “cirugía estética de abdomen”, y la liposucción son dos intervenciones quirúrgicas con similitudes, pero bastante diferentes entre sí. Ambas tienen por objeto […]

What is the difference between a Tummy Tuck and Liposuction?

Within the world of cosmetic surgery, there are many different possibilities and techniques. In some cases, to treat the same part of the body, several options can be considered. Abdominoplasty, also known as “tummy tuck surgery”, and liposuction are two surgical interventions with similarities, but quite different from each other. Both are intended to modify […]

Se puede tener un bebe después de una abdominoplastia

Tener una figura atractiva es un deseo de muchas mujeres, y muchas veces ello conlleva un gran esfuerzo. Lamentablemente, la dieta y el ejercicio no siempre son del todo eficaces cuando intentamos alcanzar nuestros objetivos corporales. La abdominoplastia es una intervención quirúrgica en la que el cirujano crea una zona abdominal más estrecha y delgada. […]

Can you have a baby after a Tummy Tuck?

Having an attractive figure is a desire of many women, and often it takes a lot of effort. Unfortunately, diet and exercise aren’t always completely effective when trying to achieve our body goals. Abdominoplasty is a surgical intervention in which the surgeon creates a narrower and thinner abdominal area. It does this by removing excess […]

Qué sucede cuando se rompen los implantes mamarios

El aumento de busto es la principal cirugía estética desde hace mucho tiempo. Los implantes mamarios son cada día más comunes y también más seguros. Sin embargo, todos los tipos de implantes mamarios tienen una cubierta exterior de silicona que puede sufrir un desgarro o agujero, lo que se denomina rotura. Los implantes de solución […]

What Happens When Breast Implants Rupture

Breast augmentation has long been the leading cosmetic surgery. Breast implants are becoming more common and safer every day. However, all types of breast implants have a silicone outer shell that can get a tear or hole, called a rupture. Saline implants also have a valve that can fail and cause a leak. The chance […]

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