Plastic Surgery Boutique

¿La liposucción deja cicatrices? Todo lo que necesitas saber

La liposucción es el procedimiento más elegido en la eliminación de grasa, con el poder de deshacerse instantáneamente de bolsas aisladas de grasa no deseada. En manos de un profesional cualificado, la liposucción puede utilizarse para remodelar completamente el cuerpo, ofreciendo a los pacientes resultados que cambian la vida. Aunque las técnicas de liposucción actuales […]

Does liposuction leave scars? All you need to know

Liposuction is the most popular procedure in fat removal, with the power to instantly get rid of isolated pockets of unwanted fat. In the hands of a qualified professional, liposuction can be used to completely reshape the body, offering patients life-changing results. Although today’s liposuction techniques are much less invasive than earlier versions, all forms […]

Cirugía de reconstrucción mamaria después de la mastectomía

Someterse a una mastectomía (cirugía para extirpar una mama entera para tratar o prevenir el cáncer de mama) implica un desgaste emocional importante para muchas mujeres. Si bien se trata de un procedimiento médico muy útil y necesario en muchos casos, las consecuencias estéticas pueden ser importantes. Muchas mujeres que se someten a esta cirugía […]

Breast Reconstruction Surgery after Mastectomy

Having a mastectomy (surgery to remove an entire breast to treat or prevent breast cancer) takes a significant emotional toll on many women. Although it is a very useful and necessary medical procedure in many cases, the aesthetic consequences can be important. Many women who undergo this surgery have the option of reconstructing the shape […]

When can you lie on your stomach after a Tummy Tuck?

Even with diet and exercise, one of the most difficult parts of the body to tone is the abdomen. Factors like pregnancy and weight fluctuations can lead to unfortunate changes like excess fat and sagging skin. A tummy tuck procedure reshapes the abdomen to make it look youthful and slim again. It is a body […]

Will I feel better after Breast Implant Removal?

Although breast augmentation surgery is one of the most common aesthetic procedures, many women also decide to remove their implants. Breast implant removal can be for many different reasons, some due to medical advice and others due to personal choice. Until a while ago it was something quite unusual, but nowadays it is done more […]

¿Cuánto tarda en cicatrizar la labioplastia?

La cirugía de la labioplastia es un procedimiento muy importante para muchas mujeres. Dentro de los procedimientos en las zonas íntimas de la mujer, se trata de una de las cirugías más realizadas en la actualidad. El objetivo de esta intervención es mejorar el aspecto de los labios genitales femeninos para ajustarlos a una preferencia […]

How long does labiaplasty take to heal?

Labiaplasty surgery is a very important procedure for many women. Within the procedures in the intimate areas of women, it is one of the most performed surgeries today. The objective of this intervention is to improve the appearance of the female genital lips to adjust them to an aesthetic preference. In general, it is not […]

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