Plastic Surgery Boutique

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¿Puedes amamantar después de un implante de pecho?

Las operaciones de agrandamiento de senos son las más comunes dentro de la cirugía estética. Muchas mujeres eligen hacerlo para verse mejor, sentirse más confiadas o mejorar su vida social. En muchos casos, las mujeres desean ser madres luego de realizarse una cirugía de este tipo, y allí es cuando surgen las dudas. Una muy […]

Can you breastfeed after a breast implant?

Breast enlargement operations are the most common within cosmetic surgery. Many women choose to do it to look better, feel more confident, or improve their social life. In many cases, women want to be mothers after undergoing a surgery of this type, and that is when doubts arise. A very frequent one is if you […]

How long after Breast Reduction will I know my size?

Reduction mammoplasty or breast reduction surgery is a very common procedure, chosen by many patients. It is a procedure through which part of the fatty tissue of the breasts, glandular tissue and excess skin are removed. The objective is to reduce the natural size of the breasts, either for aesthetic or health reasons. Many women […]

When can I sleep on my side after Breast Augmentation?

Breast augmentation surgeries are very common, to the point that they are the cosmetic surgery most chosen by most women. In search of a more harmonious and attractive figure, patients are inclined to this intervention that enhances the bust and improves the silhouette. Like all invasive surgery, it also entails a recovery time during which […]

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